Thursday, October 20, 2011


 You need, four 12" x 12" pages of coordinating colors or cardstock
 2 x paper or cardstock 7" x 5"  2 x paper or cardst. 6" x 4"
 2 x Paper or cardstock 6.5" x 4.5" 2 pictures 5.5" x 3.5"
 embellishments , flowers, splitpens, ribbons, little labels etc. of your choice
 glue, scissors, corner punch, photocorner-punch
 If you like you can use some 2-sided foam tape to raise the embellisments

 You can see how it is made on YouTube "Scrap-A-Page"
Click here to see the movie: 

You can use your own colors and size, place your pictures lenght or width-wise
 and add any embellishment or sticker you like.

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