Friday, November 4, 2011

Scrap - A - Wedding Page

 Scrap-a-wedding page
 You can make this a wedding page or any other occasion you prefer

 You need
 scissors, a cutting-board, glue, threadable ribbon,a photo-cornerpunch
 and some splitpens
 about 4 pages of matching 12" x 12" paper
 it is fun to use cooordinating papers, 2 of the same for the pages and
 2 different ones for the matting
 you can ( as I did ) use a ready made punch-out embossed pad with
 flowers or you can use your cricut and make them yourself, or you can buy
 different size flowers at any of the better craftstores

 this page requires some effort and a little more time and material but it is
 really pretty once it is done and great for very special occasions
 We wil show the finished pages and how to make the flowers and how to
 "thread" the ribbon with paper or ribbon on our You-Tube video
 Hope you like it as much as we do

You can see the instruction video on You Tube . Click here:

Scrap -A - Japaneese Fan page

 Page with a Japanese fan ( could be spanish or chinese as well )

 You need scissors, glue, a cornerpunch and a photo-cornerpunch
 a ruler and glue
 2 pages 12" x 12"
 another 12" x 6" to make the fan
 matching pieces of paper to make the "frames"
 little pieces of matching paper to add the little books
 embellishments, splitpens, some ribbon, chopsticks, and some letters

 on the You-Tube video we will show you how to make the fan
 and we will show the 2 pages we made and explain how to put the "frame"
 together and how to make the little books
 it is fun to make and you can addapt it to your own travel destination

Click here to see the instruction video on YouTube:

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Scrap - A - 4 Pictures Butterfly Frame

This is a beautiful frame for 4 pictures. The materials and how to make it, is basicly the same as all the discriptions of the "Easy to make frame" we have on the blog allready.
Here are some pictures..

Scrap - A - Baby Page


 You need:
 scissors, glue, buttons, ribbons, any embellisments you like ( for a boy or girl )
 lots of little pieces of left over coordinating paper, some labels and
 2 pages 12" X 12" as your background

 We will show you on our You-Tube video how to put this page together with
 whatever material we found
 you can of course buy some nice paper but I tried to get rid of some of our
"leftovers" from other projects and the result is very cute
 if you have a scoring board you can also make cute little envelopes which you 
 can use for a little momentum or anything you like
 Hope you enjoy our ideas

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Patriot Scrapbook

Scrap-A-Patriot Book / Memories Book / Baby Girl / Christmas

The sizes are medium, more or less books for 4"x6" pictures, so not too big and not to small

 You need,
 scissors, glue, cuttingboard, corner-punch, photocorner-punch, crop-o-dile (or a hole-punch)
 some foam 2-sides tape or glue-dots (to raise the embellisments or labels) stapler.
 7 pieces of cardboard or chipboard 8" x 6"
 2 x pieces of different "patriotic" paper or red-white- or blue cardstock
 from the same size as the chipboard or cardboard
 Patriotic....stickers, embellishments, ribbons, flags, stars, labels, buttons, papaerclips.
 We kept everything red, white and blue to make it totally American.

 Cut out the paper to size and arrange the pictures you would like to use,
 depending on size the book will hold 12 to 15 pictures.
 Use different paper and/or cardstock to make the matting for the pictures.
 We made the book in such a way, as a gift, so that people can add their own pictures.
 Before you glue the finished pages onto the cardboard, meassure the holes for the ribbons
 or rings that will "bind" the book, and punch them, be careful also to leave room on your pages
 for the holes.
 Use your immagination to make it pretty and if you make it as a gift
 try to personalize it as much as possible.
 You can see the finished product on YouTube "Scrap-A-Patriot Book"
You can also see the Patriot Scrapbook on You Tube.

Just click on the link here:

Or a Memories scrapbook

Or a Baby Girl Harmonica scrapbook to carry in your purse..



Or a Christmas scrap book. Great for as a Christmas gift!

 Or a "Love" scrapbook..

Or  A School Scrapbook...

Thursday, October 20, 2011


 You need, four 12" x 12" pages of coordinating colors or cardstock
 2 x paper or cardstock 7" x 5"  2 x paper or cardst. 6" x 4"
 2 x Paper or cardstock 6.5" x 4.5" 2 pictures 5.5" x 3.5"
 embellishments , flowers, splitpens, ribbons, little labels etc. of your choice
 glue, scissors, corner punch, photocorner-punch
 If you like you can use some 2-sided foam tape to raise the embellisments

 You can see how it is made on YouTube "Scrap-A-Page"
Click here to see the movie: 

You can use your own colors and size, place your pictures lenght or width-wise
 and add any embellishment or sticker you like.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Scrap-A-Baby Frame

Baby Frame. Boy or Girl

Materials needed
 Scissors, glue,craft knife
Hole-and cornerpunch ( if you like)
2 sides tape, ruler.

6 pieces of thin cardboard 6"X 4"

6 pieces of paper, different designs or all the same 7" X 5"

3 or 6 pictures, a little smaller then 4' x 6''
(if you want to give it as a gift use pretty paper in stead of the pictures)

embellishments and paper leftovers,

leftover pieces of ribbon,flowers,split pens

2 pieces of ribbon that match any color of the papers you used
and anything else you would like to add

and above all "Patience!"

You can find an instruction movie on You Tube
just click on this link to see it.

Baby Boy frame front

Baby Boy frame back